Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mt Bierstadt Trail - Colorado's 14'ers

Mt Bierstadt trail                                                      Trial Length: 7.4 miles /round trip
Guanella Pass Road,                                                 Summit Elevaion    : 14,060 Ft
Georgetown,                                                             Trail Elevation        :11699 Ft
CO 80452                                                              Level of Difficulty : Difficult
                                                                               Elevation Gain : 2,404 ft

 First time to Mt. Bierstadt - August 2013
              We made a sudden plan to Mt.Bierstadt trail on Gunella pass road, it took almost 10 am to start from home and we reached there by 12pm. We packed our lunch (coconut rice) from home to have during our hike. There was a large crowd in the trail and almost plenty of cars parked all sides of the road. The trail begun from the road through a wide valley. We crossed a small creek running across the trail.Then we also meet a huge beautiful lake. It took almost 1.30 Hr to reach the foot hill and a gradual elevation from there. We picked up huge rock to have a break and our lunch. With steep elevation my jaws started aching. Any how managed to climb up and reached the first mountain. My hubby was very energetic asusall. But couldn't rather make it even a little. We were just half the way got exhausted , it would have taken 2 more hours to reach the summit. We started getting back. On the way we saw a father and son,back-packing to the summit. We thought we should have been earlier to hike to the summit. It was 5.30 when we reached the car.

 Second Time to Mt. Bierstadt - July 26 th, 2014
             This time we started earlier from home and reached George town visitors center for restroom. The weather was much cooler in summer. We started  the trail at 8.30 Am. We just took a light hoodie with us from home thinking any weather changes might help. We did not expect such a cold wind there. The wind was blowing at  25 mph. We started the trail any how thinking, wind might stop and temperature would become warmer. Even when we crossed the creek which was in 0.4 miles,we thought whether we can do it or back from here, we had oscillation. Finally made our mind to continue the hike. On the way we met Alex, his girlfriend & his dog, my hubby's office colleague. He said they were leaving without going to the summit as it was snowing at the top and his girl friend could'nt stand the cold up there. Moving further made my hands freezing. My hubby said its not a problem we will return back. But i was energetic to climb expect the unbearable such a cold. It was almost 90-95 F in Denver but here it was a miracle. We reached the point where we came last time and continued up almost another 0.5 miles. The view of the valley was awesome. We saw few people resting behind the rock seemed to escape hiding from the wind. The wind was getting worse than before. Finally we backed down, i was disappointed that we couldn't make to summit even the second time.

 Third Time to Mt. Bierstadt - Aug 16 th, 2014

           This was our third time visit to Mt. Bierstadt, i was not much interested this time but my hubby was very curios to hike till the summit, we started at 9 am. This time hike was much easier than the previous ones. We passed the two place where we backed last couple of times. On the way a man told its still half a way to reach the summit, i was shocked. I thought we have almost reached up there.

      We had to climb on huge rocks and steep elevation which was ankle breaking after that. Took 10 steps....again rest. This how i was climbing. I was totally exhausted and told my hubby to continue and i'll wait for him until he gets back. He gave me the car key and asked me to go to the car. I took a long break all the way. And reached the car at 2 pm. And my hubby reached the summit succesfully, his first 14ers. Congratulation to my man. I will definitely make one day. My hubby showed me the snaps, the view was really very awesome. I felt that i really missed it. I should have tried a bit hard.

A View from the summit.

Thank You,

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